Send Files

To send us your bid documents, choose one of the following three options:
  1. Direct
    Authorize us to download directly from general contractor’s website. 
    Simply forward your ITB (invitation to bid) to us at and we will save you the trouble of going online. We will contact support if we have any problems downloading the bid documents.
    Don't forget to supply us with the login & password when necessary.

  2. DropBox
    To use our Drop Box link below Ctrl + Click to send files. Or, copy the link below and paste in your browser.

  3. Email
    Send bid docs to us via email to
    Ctrl + Click on email address to send from this document.
    (PDF file formats only).
Once we have received access to your project documents we will send you an invoice to request a retainer. After your payment has been received, we will schedule your project to be done.